

时间:  2015年12月18日

地点: 复旦大学江湾校区生命学院大楼F区报告厅

主题: 人类健康的遗传基础


08:30-08:40  开幕式

08:40-09:20  题目: Dia-omics Study Identify the Interaction between GutMicrobiota and Host Metabolism in Obesity  


9:20-10:00  题 目: Functional Annotation of the Human Genome


10:00-10:30  合影&茶歇

10:30-11:10  题目: Metabolites Deregulation and Human Diseases


11:10-11:50  题目: Sensing Metabolic Stresses and Reprogramming of Metabolic Pathways 


11:50-13:30  午餐

13:30-14:10  题目: Treatment of Solid Tumor with Chimeric Antigen Receptor-engineered T Cells: Current Status and Future Prospectives


14:10-14:50  题目: MeCP2 in Autism – Displays Allelic Expression Imbalance and Affects both Nerve System and Heart Development Through Notch Pathway


14:50-15:20 茶歇

15:20-16:00 题目: Mutations in TUBB8 Cause Human Oocyte Meiotic Arrest


16:00-16:40 题目: Natural Selection, Population History and Psychiatric Disorders
